Using Omit in TypeScript

In TypeScript, Omit is a utility type that allows you to create a new type by excluding specific properties from an existing one. It is useful when you need to make a variation of an existing type without modifying the original type. Omit is particularly helpful in scenarios where you want to work with objects while excluding certain fields, for instance, when updating an entity but leaving out properties like an ID or timestamp.


Omit<Type, Keys>
  • Type: The original type from which you want to remove properties.

  • Keys: The property or properties to be excluded.

Example Usage

Basic Example

Suppose you have the following type representing a user:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  role: string;

Now, if you want to create a type for a User excluding the id property, you can use Omit:

type UserWithoutId = Omit<User, 'id'>;

const user: UserWithoutId = {
  name: 'Alice',
  email: '',
  role: 'Admin'

In this example, UserWithoutId will have the properties name, email, and role but not id. This type is useful for scenarios like when you are submitting a form to create a new user where the id isn't required.

Multiple Keys Exclusion

You can also exclude multiple keys by separating them with a pipe (|):

type UserWithoutSensitiveData = Omit<User, 'id' | 'email'>;

const userWithoutSensitiveData: UserWithoutSensitiveData = {
  name: 'Alice',
  role: 'Admin'

Here, UserWithoutSensitiveData excludes both the id and email fields.

When to Use Omit

  • Data sanitization: Remove sensitive information (like password, email, etc.) from an object before passing it to other functions.

  • Partial Updates: Exclude properties that should not be updated (like id or createdAt) when performing partial updates or when submitting data.

  • Dynamic Types: When working with APIs or forms that may require custom variations of data types, Omit helps create more flexible type definitions.

Pros and Cons


  1. Code Reusability: Instead of creating new types manually, you can reuse existing types and selectively omit fields.

  2. Better Type Safety: By omitting specific fields, you reduce the risk of manipulating fields you don't intend to, keeping the codebase clean and predictable.

  3. Flexibility: You can create customized types without the need to redefine the entire structure, which makes working with complex types more efficient.


  1. Limited Flexibility in Complex Scenarios: When excluding multiple properties, you may encounter cases where Omit doesn’t provide the flexibility needed (like if you need to modify the properties).

  2. Dependency on Existing Types: The Omit type is dependent on the structure of the original type, so if the original type changes, your Omit type might break, requiring maintenance.

  3. Performance Overhead: In large codebases, excessive use of utility types like Omit can lead to performance overhead during type checking, although this is generally a minor concern.


Omit is an extremely useful utility type in TypeScript that simplifies the process of creating new types by excluding unwanted properties from an existing type. It enhances code readability, reduces redundancy, and makes managing complex types easier. However, it should be used carefully, especially in larger codebases, to avoid maintenance overhead when the base types change.

By understanding when and how to use Omit, you can write cleaner and more maintainable TypeScript code.

Last updated